This just in from the caretaker, Kathleen Hayden, of the four Coyote Canyon stallions. Apparently, there is one more stallion from the 2003 round-up that escaped "the knife"...
"Is someone out there who will sponsor feed for the old Coyote Canyon stallion up at Carl's in Anza? Carl is old, out of money, out of feed, and has the old stallion and ten old mares that deserve to live out their life with full bellies. One young gelding would make a nice riding horse once he gets meat on his bones. I encourage all of you to write to your supervisors, Dianne Feinstein, and Mary Bono Mack to request the formal recognition of the the Coyote Canyon Horses as So. Ca.'s HERITAGE HERD for restoration . The Beauty Mountain range area is between Chihuahua Valley and Anza. It is Federal land, previously, the Coyote Canyon Herd native range that was overlooked in the 1971 herd area inventory.
Please let me know if you will participate, either by contacting the electeds or donations. Thanks to those that have."
Feel Good Sunday: Horses Rescue A Tiny Kitten
Okay, all you equine loving crazy cat ladies, I am married to one, here is
a great story of interspecies love and mutual rescue…a true feel good
moment. (...
3 weeks ago
This magnificent old remnant Spanish mustang herd must be restored to freedom. It is an outrages what BLM in cahoots with the State of California did here!